Recorded Group Sessions
Go to the next level with a Group
Spiritual Connection
Boot Camp
Focuses on:
Opening spiritual senses
Deepening connection to your spiritual team
Identifying destiny
Clearing flow between you and God/heaven (for stronger flow of life, health, communication, glory, etc.)
Please use the button below to donate.
Cost: $40 for the first 60-minute session or $75 for the entire Boot Camp (two 60-minute sessions).
Also taking a course or doing an in-person session with Katharine Wang? Purchase for $25/session.
Spiritual Bliss Spa
Focuses on:
Experiencing divine bliss in our bodies, souls, and spirits
Clearing bottlenecks to enjoying bliss
Opening the “oneness” place inside us where an endless supply of love, life, joy, honor, connection, and everything else we need flows
Cost: $40 for the 60-minute session.
Also taking a course or doing an in-person session with Katharine Wang? Purchase for $25.
Leadership Spa
Release your healed, limitless self!
Releasing Inner Healing
Four sessions on healing issues like fear, insecurity, self-criticism, etc.
Aimed at bringing deep healing to the most common issues that hold us back
Releasing our True Selves
Four sessions on releasing self-love, self-acceptance, our hearts true desires, etc.
Aimed at discovering, loving, and releasing who we are at the most fundamental level
Releasing Maturity
Four sessions on releasing qualities of maturity/leadership in the next age
Topics may cover things like confidence, divinity/divine nature, limitlessness, creativity, power, wealth, masculine/feminine balance
Sessions 1-4 for $80
Sessions 5-8 for $80
Sessions 9-12 for $80
All 12 Sessions for $150 or three monthly payments of $50 Special Value!
"Just a note to say how thankful I am to you for these sessions Katharine. Listening to them again & again, I’m able to focus better and really absorb more and release and receive whatever is necessary. An overwhelming wave of gratitude flooded my senses today and it’s as if I could feel the relief in my body and my mind as I leaned into this."
"Thx Katharine for these intense and transforming sessions."
"#2 was VERY WOW for me"
"Thank you, Katharine, today was the most amazing and powerful session ever!!!!"
Financial Boot Camp
Love Your Finances to their Full Potential
Keys to Financial Growth
Remove mindsets holding back financial release
Discover secrets to financial growth
Learn to love and communicate with your money
Unlock your personal financial destiny
Unpack powerful tools to create the best financial structures for your life
Open financial maturity spiritually
Much more!
12 one-hour sessions plus a bonus 30-minute session!
Price: $150 or 3 monthly payments of $50.
"Thank you Katharine for leading this empowering class with such clarity and confidence It is truly inspiring."
“These sessions are really blessing me! I see how our mindsets are shifting and we are being set free from things that have held us bound individually and within our family lines."
Immortality Spa
Unlock Your Agelessness
Focuses On:
Removing mindsets restraining Life in us
Forming relationships with every aspect of Life--including Vitality, Abundance, Light, Immortality, Beauty
Clearing DNA energetically
Releasing Life at the deepest layers of who we are
Restoring Ageless Beauty and Life to the physical body
Much more!
12 sessions! Most sessions are 60 minutes with one 30-minute session.
Includes Flashcards!
Price: $150 or 3 payments of $50 or 6 payments of $25
"Wowwwwwww, my mind is BLOWN from today’s teaching. It was beyond paradigm shift.
All is could say is, WOW & THANK YOU! I never heard this before.
I think this is one of those messages that everyone should be exposed to."
"This message is life changing. I am listening to it over and over and I am enjoying getting to know my immortal self."
"It's working! I have far less gray hair growing back!" ❤️
"Katharine, this session was so amazing and I felt new awareness opening in me."
"At the last meeting, I actually came face to face with myself in the future. I looked young, my hair was its original color instead of gray, my skin was beautiful. It was quite amazing."
Powerfully Start a New Season in Life
Focuses On:
Gleaning everything from the current season you're meant to
Opening the season of your life's highest purposes
Identifying your deepest desires
Moving from where you are into your deepest desires
Clearing everything blocking mind-blowing blessings flowing into your life
Much more!
Live Sessions are open to Partners. Join here. Sessions will be available afterwards for purchase.