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Faces of God
in their full expression

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Course Description

You may have heard the four Faces of God in Ezekiel and Revelation translated in their masculine form–“Lion-Ox-Eagle-Man.” Since the original texts could also be translated in feminine and “oneness” forms, does the Bible give us 12 expressions of the divine nature (Four Faces times three possible translations)? In this book, we unpack what the Four Faces–in each translation–reveal about God’s nature to empower each aspect of the divine nature in us!


  • Encounter Lioness-Cow-Eagle-Woman (divine feminine)

  • Experience Lion-Ox-Eagle-Man (divine masculine)

  • Soar with Beast-Cattle-Eagle-Person (divine oneness)


In this course you can:

  • Unpack what the Four Faces of God are and why they are seen as living expressions of the divine nature;

  • Discover why the traditional translation of Lion-Ox-Eagle-Man is only part of what the original text means;

  • Unlock the fuller meaning of the original Hebrew and Greek–including the masculine, feminine, and oneness translations of the Faces of God;

  • Discover why the Four Faces each have three expressions (4x3), giving us a total of 12 expressions of the Divine Nature;

  • Interact with all 12 expressions of the Faces: Lioness-Cow-Eagle-Woman, Lion-Ox-Eagle-Man, and Beast-Cattle-Eagle-Person.

  • Explore what each creature–in its masculine, feminine, and oneness expressions–reveals about the divine nature;

  • Connect with the divine feminine in God and in your own nature;

  • Be guided into life-changing encounters with the Faces of God in all their expressions.


The course includes: 

  • Nine 30-minute teaching videos;

  • Homework for each session designed to open encounters with God and God’s Four Faces;

  • One guided video engagement with the Faces of God;

  • Four videos to help you process any emotions that may arise during your engagement time with God.

  • Bonus! Artwork depicting the Lioness-Cow-Eagle-Woman Faces of God! And website link to order artwork if so desired! 

  • Bonus! Interview with the creator of the courses’ artwork, Dick Rabil!

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Katharine Wang, M.A., J.D., is a co-founder of Age to Come University. She’s earned a Masters in Theological Studies from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and a J.D. from Yale Law School. Katharine has authored books and courses that have transformed lives around the world. She’s passionate about unlocking people’s full potential and coaches people all over the globe.


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